Monday 22 June 2009

... why men cheat ...

Want to affair-proof your marriage? Then first, you've got to understand what makes men cheat. Hear it from the relationship experts as they dish out on the number one reason for infidelity and ways to protect your relationship.

Why men cheat

The XY species: They're notorious for their roving eyes and their obsession with bikini-clad models, so connect the dots, and the automatic assumption is that men cheat for the sex.

But here's the surprising truth: According to marriage counselor M. Gary Neuman, author of The Truth About Cheating who surveyed 200 cheating and non-cheating husbands, the number one reason for straying is emotional dissatisfaction, which an astounding 48 percent of cheating men listed as the main trigger. Only 8 percent of men listed sexual dissatisfaction as the primary factor in their infidelity. In fact, just 12 percent of cheating husbands said their mistress was more physically attractive than their wife.

Many of these "emotionally dissatisfied" men claim they don't feel appreciated or wanted. And Neuman believes it is this feeling of underappreciation and lack of thoughtfulness that far outweigh any other reason for infidelity.

Men need emotional intimacy, too

The truth is, acts of kindness and gestures of appreciation mean a lot to men, too, even though they are less likely to express these feelings than women. Patricia Covalt, author of What Smart Couples Know agrees that emotional connection is key to a happy relationship. "Most long-term relationships/marriages eventually evolve to a point when friendship and/or companionship is the glue that holds them together," adds Covalt.

Which is why it's critical for couples to include intimate conversation, emotional connecting, and making "us" time for each other. Check out these ways to keep your relationship strong.

Strengthening your relationship

Make your partner feel appreciated. It's easy for long-term couples to start taking each other for granted, and the things you loved about your partner when you first met may have faded over time. However, it's important to keep expressing that feeling of admiration for each other: Thank him when he does something nice for you, and aim to give him at least one sincere compliment everyday -- be it a physical asset ("You look delicious in this shirt!") or a personality trait. ("Thank you for being so supportive.") When you express appreciation for your partner, it reassures him your love and helps boosts his self-esteem.

Make for more quality couple time. You need time as a couple to make sure your marriage stays strong, so set aside at least ten minutes everyday just for each other. Any activity that reconnects you and nurtures your bond counts as quality couple time -- whether it's a lazy weekend lounging around, cooking something together, a pillow talk before you go to sleep, a quiet evening at home alone with the kids at the parents' place, or even a mid-week lunch date. All these special moments together add up to reinforce your intimacy as a couple.

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P/S: i promised i will put up one for ourselves, why women cheat.. :D

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