1. First and foremost is GOOD HEALTH. If you do not enjoy good health, you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct from your happiness.
2. Second, a HEALTHY BANK BALANCE. It need not run into crores but should be enough to provide for creature comforts and something to spare for recreation, like eating out, going to the pictures, travelling or going on holidays on the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be only demoralizing. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one's own eyes.
3. Third, a HOME OF YOUR OWN. Rented premises can never give you the snug feeling of a nest which is yours for keeps that a home provides: if it has a garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, cultivate a sense of kinship with them.
4. Fourth, an UNDERSTANDING COMPANION, be it your spouse or a friend. If there are too many misunderstandings, they will rob you of your peace of mind. It is better to be divorced than to bicker all the time.
5. Fifth, LACK OF ENVY towards those who have done better than you in life; risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be very corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.
6. Sixth, DO NOT ALLOW OTHER PEOPLE to descend on you for gup-shup. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.
7. Seventh, CULTIVATE SOME HOBBIES which can bring you a sense of fulfilment, such as gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks or to meet celebrities is criminal waste of time.
8. Eighth, every morning and evening, devote 15 minutes to INTROSPECTION. In the morning, 10 minutes should be spent on stilling the mind and then five in listing things you have to do that day. In the evening, five minutes to still the mind again, and ten to go over what you had undertaken to do.
Nathaniel Cotton (1721-1788) summed up my views on the subject in one verse:
If solid happiness we prize
Within our breast this jewel lies
And they are fools who roam
The world has nothing to bestow
From our own selves our joys must flow
And that dear hut, our home.
These persons are very confident and are good personalities. They are a little bit selfish but believe in "Happiness of human life".
These persons are considered to be Romantic, can easily change their fiancées as if they change their clothes. They prefer beauty in other persons & they themselves try to look beautiful, they easily attract others.
These persons are more inclined towards classical arts, simple & are very cool. If you loose faith with them, then these persons will never look back at you. Hence its always better to be careful with these people.
These persons enjoy their life in their own way, never pay attention to others views. These are
considered to be good natured but are Selfish too.
These persons try to be very smart, hide each & every matter, never say anything in straight forward manner, never pay attention to the other person of what he is talking of.
These persons are considered to be intelligent but never think. These people change their ideas & views as fast as the wind changes its direction of flow. They never think whether that particular thing is right or wrong. You can win them just by flattering them.
These persons are very kind to us, have a good heart, selfless, are ready to sacrifice their life for the sake of their near & dear. But they seems to think a lot and may get angry very soon.
These persons are very kind hearted, can adjust themselves to any environment & to the person they are talking. These persons are very firm on their views & posses a lot of will power.
Don't smoke - Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after a meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes. Chances of cancer is higher.
Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause s to mach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1 hr before meal.
Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.
Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the s to mach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our s to mach.
Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
Apples ~ Protects your heart ~ Prevents constipation ~ Blocks diarrhea ~ Improves lung capacity ~ Cushions joints
Apricots ~ Combats cancer ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Saves your eyesight ~ Shields against Alzheimer's ~ Slows aging process
Artichokes ~ Aids digestion ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Protects your heart ~ Stabilizes blood sugar ~ Guards against liver disease
Avocados ~ Battles diabetes ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Helps to prevent strokes ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Smoothes skin
Bananas ~ Protects your heart ~ Quiets a cough ~ Strengthens bones ~ Controls blood pressure Blocks diarrhea
Beans ~ Prevents constipation ~ Helps hemorrhoids ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Combats cancer Stabilizes blood sugar
Beets ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Combats cancer ~ Strengthens bones ~ Protects your heart ~ Aids weight loss
Blueberries ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Stabilizes blood sugar ~ Boosts memory ~ Prevents constipation
Broccoli ~ Strengthens bones ~ Saves eyesight ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Controls blood pressure
Cabbage ~ Combats cancer ~ Prevents constipation ~ Promotes weight loss ~ Protects your heart ~ Helps hemorrhoids
Cantaloupe ~ Saves eyesight ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Combats cancer Supports immune system
Carrots ~ Saves eyesight ~ Protects your heart ~ Prevents constipation ~ Combats cancer ~ Promotes weight loss
Cauliflower ~ Protects against Prostate Cancer ~ Combats Breast Cancer ~ Strengthens bones ~ Banishes bruises ~ Guards against heart disease
Cherries ~ Protects your heart ~ Combats Cancer ~ Ends insomnia ~ Slows aging process ~ Shields against Alzheimer's
Chestnuts ~ Promotes weight loss ~ Protects your heart ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Combats Cancer ~ Controls blood pressure
Chili Peppers ~ Aids digestion ~ Soothes sore throat ~ Clears sinuses ~ Combats Cancer ~ Boosts immune system
Figs ~ Promotes weight loss ~ Helps to prevent strokes ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Combats Cancer ~ Controls blood pressure
Fish ~ Protects your heart ~ Boosts memory ~ Protects your heart ~ Combats Cancer ~ Supports immune system
Flax ~ Aids digestion ~ Battles diabetes ~ Protects your heart ~ Improves mental health ~ Boosts immune system
Garlic ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Combats cancer ~ Kills bacteria ~ Fights fungus
Grapefruit ~ Protects against heart attacks ~ Promotes Weight loss ~ Helps to prevent strokes Combats Prostate Cancer ~ Lowers cholesterol
Grapes ~ Saves eyesight ~ Conquers kidney stones ~ Combats cancer ~ Enhances blood flow ~ Protects your heart
Green Tea ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Helps s to ps strokes ~ Promotes Weight loss ~ Kills bacteria
Honey ~ Heals wounds ~ Aids digestion ~ Guards against ulcers ~ Increases energy ~ Fights allergies
Lemons ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Smoothes skin ~ Stops scurvy
Limes ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Smoothes skin ~ Stops scurvy
Mangoes ~ Combats cancer ~ Boosts memory ~ Regulates thyroid ~ Aids digestion ~ Shields against Alzheimer's
Mushrooms ~ Controls blood pressure ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Kills bacteria ~ Combats cancer Strengthens bones
Oats ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Combats cancer ~ Battles diabetes ~ Prevents constipation ~ Smoothes skin
Olive Oil ~ Protects your heart ~ Promotes Weight loss ~ Combats cancer ~ Battles diabetes ~ Smoothes skin
Onions ~ Reduce risk of heart attack ~ Combats cancer ~ Kills bacteria ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Fights fungus
Oranges ~ Supports immune systems ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Straightens respiration
Peaches ~ Prevents constipation ~ Combats cancer ~ Helps prevent strokes ~ Aids digestion ~ Helps hemorrhoids
Peanuts ~ Protects against heart disease ~ Promotes Weight loss ~ Combats Prostate Cancer ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Aggravates Diverticulitis
Pineapple ~ Strengthens bones ~ Relieves colds ~ Aids digestion ~ Dissolves warts ~ Blocks diarrhea
Prunes ~ Slows aging process ~ Prevents constipation ~ Boosts memory ~ Lowers cholesterol Protects against heart disease
Rice ~ Protects your heart ~ Battles diabetes ~ Conquers kidney stones ~ Combats cancer Helps prevent strokes
Strawberries ~ Combats cancer ~ Protects your heart ~ Boosts memory ~ Calms stress
Sweet Potatoes ~ Saves your eyesight ~ Lifts mood ~ Combats cancer ~ Strengthens bones
Tomatoes ~ Protects prostate ~ Combats cancer ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Protects your heart
Walnuts ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Combats cancer ~ Boosts memory ~ Lifts mood ~ Protects against heart disease
Water ~ Promotes Weight loss ~ Combats cancer ~ Conquers kidney stones ~ Smoothes skin
Watermelon ~ Protects prostate ~ Promotes Weight loss ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Helps prevent strokes ~ Controls blood pressure
Wheat Germ ~ Combats Colon Cancer ~ Prevents constipation ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Helps stops strokes ~ Improves digestion
Wheat Bran ~ Combats Colon Cancer ~ Prevents constipation ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Helps prevent strokes ~ Improves digestion
Yogurt ~ Guards against ulcers ~ Strengthens bones ~ Lowers cholesterol ~ Supports immune systems ~ Aids digestion
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Can water be affected by our words? Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, believes so. And he has proof.
Dr. Emoto took water droplets, exposed them to various words, music, and environments, and froze them for three hours. He then examined the crystal formations under a dark field microscope. And he took photographs.
The results were totally mind-blowing.
Here's a photo of ordinary water without any prayer spoken over it.
The molecular structure is in disarray.
The photo below is water after the prayer was said. It's simply breathtaking. (I now have a great respect for praying before meals! More on this later.)
Dr. Emoto also exposed water to Heavy Metal music. Here's how it looks like. Looks sad if you ask me.
Here's water exposed to classical music and folk dance music. Looks much better, right?
Next, Dr. Emoto stuck a piece of paper with these words: "You make me sick. I will kill you."
Here's how the frozen water droplets looks like under the microscope…
This is water from Lourdes , France . Utterly beautiful, right?
Wait A Minute— Aren't You Made Up Of Water? Yes! 72% of your body is made up of water. Imagine how your words affect your own body. When you say, "I'm a failure," or "I'm hopeless," or "I won't get well," imagine how these words weaken your health.
Make a choice to say the best words out there. Say often, "I'm wonderful," and "I'm beautiful,".
It's not only water.
Dr. Emoto also experimented with cooked rice. He placed one cup of cooked rice in two airtight jars. On one jar, he wrote, "I love you," and on the other, "You fool." Everyday for 30 days, Dr. Emoto would say these words to each jar of rice.
After 30 days, the "I love you" rice was still white. But the "You fool" rice was so rotten, it was black. How can you explain this?
Yeah – that's why we always wish others well on birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, festivals, examination days, etc…. BE BLESSED, everybody!!!
(extracted from shopping lifestyle)
They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing. Recent scientific studies show a strong relationship between sleep deprivation and weight gain. Here are some of the findings:
Research finding #1:
Women who slept 5 hours or less a night gained more weight than those who slept for at least 7 hours a day.
Research finding #2:
People who sleep 2 to 4 hours a night are 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who get seven to nine hours.
Research finding #3:
People who slept less than 6 hours a night experienced an increase in their body mass index (BMI) more than those who slept 7 to 8 hours.
Research finding #4:
People who slept less than 8 hours a day had larger increases in body fat than those who slept more.
How sleep affects our bodies
"Lack of sleep disrupts every physiologic function in the body," says Eve Van Cauter, Ph.D., of the University of Chicago. In fact, sleep loss has such an adverse effect on our ability to metabolize sugar, she says, that in one week of severe sleep deprivation (such as four hours per night), an otherwise healthy person will be in a pre-diabetic state.
"One of the more interesting ideas that has been smoldering and is now gaining momentum is the appreciation of the fact that sleep and sleep disruption do remarkable things to the body ?including possibly influencing our weight," agrees David Rapoport, MD, associate professor and director of the Sleep Medicine Program at the New York University School of Medicine in New York City.
The reason: Sleep loss can reduce our bodies' capacity to perform basic metabolic functions such as regulating blood-sugar levels, storing carbohydrates and regulating hormone secretion. All of these major activities get out of whack when we're sleep-deprived. Not surprisingly, the balance of appetite-regulating hormones go haywire too so our normal cues for eating are altered.
Sometimes, an undiagnosed medical illness might also cause poor sleep habits, say the sleep experts. Someone with an underactive thyroid gland, for instance, will feel fatigued and gain weight. And someone who suffers from sleep apnea will wake up repeatedly during the night.
How sleep affects eating
Sleep researchers have found that sleep deprivation (even a mild case of inadequate sleep) quickly disrupts normal levels of the appetite-regulating hormones: Increasing the levels of a hunger hormone (ghrelin) while decreasing levels of a hormone that makes you feel full (leptin). The effects can set the stage for overeating and weight gain.
"It's amazing how much people's sleep is reflected in the hormones in their blood," says Emmanuel Mignot, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Stanford University. Sleep-deprived people, he believes, eat more because they're hungrier, they're awake longer and may be tempted by foods everywhere they go."When you're sleep-deprived, you may overeat well in excess of the caloric demands, and, therefore, sleep loss is probably also a risk factor for weight gain and obesity," warns Van Cauter.
This could explain why when we're feeling fatigued, we don't always make healthy food choices: We eat junk food as a pick-me-up during the day when we're feeling sleepy, fail to stick to our healthy eating plan, and snack right before bedtime.
The bottom line? Most experts agree that logging in an extra couple of hours of sleep each night isn't a bad idea, especially if you're trying to lose weight and if you get six hours of sleep of less a night. You may just discover that you aren't as hungry or you don't crave high-calorie foods anymore.
taking a break while studying (actually i have 'nua-ing' at home for the past few days liao), i went to catch a show with 2 friends at tiong bahru..
not sure why this CNY got no must-watch movie.. so 2 votes against 1 and we watched percy jackson and the lightning thief..
personally i never really fancy those movies like harry potter or lord of the ring (LOTR) types.. felt it's more suitable for kids/teens/youngsters (am i getting old??!!).. heard from my friends that there will be sequels for this show too..
i would say (STRICTLY my personal views) the effects were good (on par with harry and/or LOTR, i would say) and not a must watch show but if you have nothing to watch during this CNY (just like me).. you might want to consider this movie..
as usual, here's the trailer.. enjoy!!
according to the newspaper, it is very rare that Chinese New Year (CNY) and Valentine's Day falls on the same day..
since the 1900 till this year, there were only 4 times which these 2 festival met each other!! they fall on 1915 / 1934 / 1953 and of course this year.. (being bo liao, i went through online to search for the years)
it's so amazing and rare isn't it??
however, this year my family didn't celebrate as my grandma passed away last year.. according to some chinese belief, when there's a funeral (白事), you can't celebrate the first CNY which comes after that.. it's an taboo i guess.. of course, 另可信其有不可信其無; better safe than sorry right??
anyway, i'm also having my exam on friday (aka 6th day of CNY), so i got to prepare for it too.. this year really damn no good.. still got to prepare for exam.. but on a good side, i took 3 days leave to have a week's holiday!!
NO CNY & NO Valentine's Day make me a bored woman.. HaHa!!
A man and his dog were walking along a road.
The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.
He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years.
He wondered where the road was leading them.
After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble.
At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.
When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.
When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'
'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.
'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.
'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.'
The man gestured, and the gate began to open.
'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked.
'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'
The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.
After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.
As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.
'Excuse me!' he called to the man.
'Do you have any water?'
'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.'
'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog.
'There should be a bowl by the pump.'
They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.
The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog....
When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.
'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked.
'This is Heaven,' he answered.
'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said.
'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'
'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'
'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'
'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'
This explains why we forward jokes:
Sometimes, we wonder why friends keep forwarding jokes to us without writing a word.... Maybe this will explain.
When you are very busy, but still want to keep in touch, guess what you do? You forward jokes.
When you have nothing to say, but just want to keep in contact, you forward jokes.
When you have something to say, but don't know what, and don't know how, you forward jokes.
Also to let you know that you are still remembered, you are still important, you are still loved, you are still cared for, guess what you get?
A forwarded joke.
So, next time if you get a joke, don't think that you've been sent just another forwarded joke, but that you've been thought of today, and your friend on the other end of your computer wanted to send you a smile.
You are all welcome @ my water bowl anytime!
wow! didn't get to go this type of place in singapore..
my xiaodi brought me to a unique place tonight.. it's one of those pond where you catches prawns.. what he call it prawning (derive from fishing?).. well, the prawns are of acceptable sizes.. and you have a choice to either you bring them home or barbecue it on the spot and eat it.. simple utilities like BBQ pit, charcoal, sambal, satay sticks are provided..
anyway, many people go there and i tell you the place is just another hang out place with family, friend, lovers, etc.. 有山有水, music, able to see people, drinks and food..
this place is somewhere near bishan (is it street 22?) close to comfort don't know what.. it is just beside natural park golf driving range..
try it out next time if you run out of hang/hide out..
by the way, the charges are as follows:
per fishing (guess prawn is more appropriate) rod per hour S$15 / 2 hrs $25 (not too sure about this) / 3 hrs $30
i should really jotted this down before i start forgetting again.. LOL.. i was talking to my xiaodi on tue (2/2/10) regarding the movie death note..
are you caught in a situation where you really wish some bad guys or sick old people will die 'naturally'? of course not murdered lah!! it's just died the way or another that we wished that person would die..
too bad we're not the angel and/or demon who could help these people..
however, what happens if we have a death note? will we change (or rather 'rule'?) the world?? then we could 'design' death in the most innovative way we want it.. be it cruelly or britually.. haha..
letting the bad guys died the most horrible ways (well saw movies are nothing then!) and those goody good old aunties and uncles died the way they wished..
my xiaodi has got worse imagination.. let those who die to disappear in thin air.. no corpose to collect, no coffin to hold the body, no funerals to run, no death anniversary to pray to.. how nice would that be..
what's your view??
30 Second Speech by Bryan Dyson (CEO of Coca Cola)
"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.
You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of these in the Air.
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.
But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it."
Phase 1
You are listening to jazz -- Your first day at work is great. Your fellow co-workers are wonderful, your office is cute, you love your supervisors, and your manager is the best!
Phase 2
You are listening to pop music -- After a while you are so busy that you are not sure if you're coming or going anymore.
Phase 3
You are listening to heavy metal -- This is what you feel like after ONE month.
Phase 4
You are listening to hip hop -- You become bloated due to stress, you're gaining weight due to lack of exercise because you are so tired and have so much work to do and, when you do get home, you feel sluggish and suffer from constipation. Your fellow co-workers are too cheerful for your liking, your supervisors don't understand a word you say and the walls of your cubicle are closing in.
Phase 5
You are listening to GANGSTA RAP -- After more time passes, your eyes start to twitch and you forget what a 'good hair day' feels like as you just fall out of bed and load up on caffeine.
Phase 6
You are listening to the voices in your head --You wonder WHY you are even here in the first place.
the usual practise when the year ends.. newspaper would report what had happened during this one year.. do you remember your own major events for the past 1 year???
i had my own experience too.. number one which is a unforgettable one.. the surprise news i had 2 days ago..
number two would be my grandma's demise in march.. three?? hmm, i had gone back to bowling but stopped again due to my poor thumb that was accidently 'crushed'?
still we move on..
being the last day of the year, i met up with my best friend..
we went to anchorpoint for some shopping first.. fruitful i would say.. she bought a t-shirt from cotton on while i got myself a pair of heels from charles & keith.. then we proceed to holland village for dinner..
we wanted to try this cafe call mykii featured by hungrygowhere website.. as one of the comment that said "A good chillout that you truly deserve!"
upon our arrival, we didn't step in.. yes, went all the way there hor??
anyway, reason was, we were too cascually dressed and we both feel we kind of feel out of place if we were to enter the cafe..
i was in t-shirt, jeans and slippers and my dear friend was in blouse, bermudas and slipper.. from the outside the place looked kind of 'mid-class atas'.. so we decided to change venue..
as we had our tea time at 5.30pm so we weren't that hungry too.. so wanted to find the ice cream cafe that another friend recommend call daily scoopz.. however, it was nowhere to be found.. (located at chip bee garden??? where exactly har??)
in the end, we went to N.Y.D.C cafe instead.. out of surprise, both of us didn't try this old time cafe at all!! what a conincidence.. we shared a pasta and their famous mud pie (ours was cookie monster).. looked more like a ice cream cake to us.. sorry folks no pictures to show as i'm not a food-picture-taking manic.. haha..
we chatted which we were wondering earlier.. talking over the phone almost everyday and do we still have anything to chat about??? well, we did! as N.Y.D.C closed at 11pm so we proceed home as we wanted to avoid the countdown crowd also (she's pregnant BTW)..
yes, on the eve of new year.. well, nothing special too.. however, we were lucky as we managed to see part of the fireworks at the marina on the bus..
that's my new year's eve countdown..
of course, got some new year sms from friends also.. one of them is my classmate which i find it meaningful.. share it with you if you didn't get it from me:
新年快樂 ^_^
曾經擁有的不要 《忘記》
屬於自己的不要 《放棄》
辛苦得來的更要 《珍惜》
已經失去的當作 《回憶》
走過的路已成 《过去》
願你的未來一切都能 《隨心所欲》…
祝你新年快樂;心想事成 !