Tuesday, 29 September 2009

... kangkong ...

Health Warning On KANGKUNG !

THIS COULD BE TRUE BUT FROM NOW ON, BE VERY CAREFUL AND ENSURE THE STEMS ARE CUT INTO 2 AND WASH THEM THOROUGHLY. THAT WILL ENSURE that ALL ARE CLEAN. Outside at the hawkers' eating stall we don't know but most dishes of fried Kangkung or Kangkung Belacan should be OK because they are thoroughly cooked in hot oil!Even in rojak containing Kangkung, I believe the vege is well cooked in very hot water and are not eaten in its raw state !

Dear All,

Attached is an article forewarded by a psychiatrist from Klang Hospital . I am sorry I do not have a copy of it in English.

It actually narrates how a young boy died after eating the kangkung vegetable. He had gastro-enteritis(diarrhoea/vomiting)and wasadmitted in hospital.

Post mortem revealed that there were leeches in his intestines which has multiplied many times. The leech found its way through the stem of the kangkong vegetable.The stem is hollow and is normally cooked together with the leaves.

One of the precautions we can take is to slice the stems into two and wash it well before cooking. (DAMN GOOD IDEA OR DON'T EAT THIS VEGE AT ALL !)

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