很感人的一篇文章 , 分享給你! 和另一女人約會?
After get marriaged for twenty-one years, i found an unique way to refresh my love life.
不久以前 ,我和另一位女士約會,其實那還是我妻子的主意,
Not long ago, I was date with a lady, and the idea was came from my wife.
有一天她說:「我知道妳很愛她。」我很驚訝,立刻爭辯說: 「但我愛的是妳呀!」「我知道,但你也愛她呀!」
One day my wife said: I know u love her. I was shocked: The one I love is you! She said: I know, but u love her too.
The lady that my wife asked me to visit was my mother.
她已經寡居了十九年,然而我忙碌的工作和身為二 個孩子父親的責任,令我分身乏術,以致很少有時間和她相聚。
She was alone for ninetwen years, however, I was busy with my job and my children, so I was less likely to visit her.
The night, i called her, invited her to have a dinner and movie with me at the second day.
' What happen? Are u alright?', she asked.
母親是那種會認為晚上那麼晚打電話,又突然邀約她 ,一定不會有什麼好事的人。 「我想如果有機會和妳單獨約會,一定很有意思。」我回答。
I answered: I was just thinking that if I have chance to date with u alone, it sure be very interesting.
After a while, she said: I do.
The Friday after i worked, I fetched her at her home, felt like a little bit nervous.
因為從未嚐試過這樣的約會 。
Because I had never to date with my mom before.
When I reached her house, I found that she seems a little bit nervous too.
她在門內等著,身上穿著大衣, 裡面那件禮服 還是最後一次慶祝結婚紀念日所穿的呢!
She was in her suite, which she wore during her last wedding anniversary with my dad, waiting me in her house.
她的頭髮還特意捲了一下,臉上 的微笑像天使一般。
She made her hair specifically, smiling like an angel.
When she get into my car, she proundly said: all my friends were jeolous at me when they know that i'm gonna dating with my son.
We went to a restaurent which was not expensive but with warmth and cozy environment.
我母親挽住我的臂彎,好像第一 夫人一般。
My mom hold my hand as she was the wife of president.
After seat her, I help her to order her food,
Because she only can read the big capital words.
When we were eating, I found she was stare at me,
She smile and said: I remembered that during ur childhood, I always make the order for u. I answered: then now is ur chance to take a rest and let me to serve u.
We keep talking during our dinner,
Sharing about our life and some special things heppening these few years.
We talked for very long time until we missed the movie. When I fetched her back to her house,
她說「我要再和你一起外出 ,但下次讓我作東好嗎?」我答應了。
She asked: I'd like to date with u next time, but please let me pay the bill next time. I agreed.
When I back to my home, my wife asked: how's ur date with ur mom?
「非常有意思,比我想像的好多了!」 ~我回答。
' It was interesting and fun, over my expectation', I answered.
Few days later, my mom was passed away due to heart failure. The thing happened in an unexpected manner,
I wasn't prepared for it at all.
不久以後,我收到一封信,裡面是上次我和母親約會的那家餐館的一張收據,上面有一張字條寫著:「我已先付了賬,因為我確定自己不可能再有機會去了,但我還是付了兩人份的賬──你和你的妻子。 你絕對想不到那一晚的約會對我有多大的意義,我愛你。」
Soon after this, I received a letter, there are a receipt of the restaurent that I dated with my mom, and a message: I already paid the bill for our next date, even though I know I'd probably won't have chance to date with u anymore, I still pay the bill for wo persons: u and ur wife. U will never know how meaningful the date to me, I love U.
At the moment, I realised: we must always spare our precious time to our beloved, and told them u love them before it is too late.
世上沒有任何事比自然如來因緣和你的家庭更重要,多花時間和他們在一起,因為這事絕不能拖延到「以後有時間再說 ...」。
There is nothing more important than ur family, spend more time with them before it is too late.
「樹欲靜而風不止,子欲養而親不待」 是人生一大憾事。
Don't make any regret in our life.
~{ 愛無分 ,愛有份}~ 不要等到爱得太迟,珍惜现在。祝您辛福!