Thursday, 17 January 2008

... 關心或多心?...

從他的部落格留言板知道他要走了。(我的朋友啦,別多心!哈哈!)他說他走了,叫大家保重。這是他寫的留言 "leaving SG tml le....byebye everyone ....hehehehe....take care...."

我真的擔心了。因爲知道他剛失戀,所以有點擔心他會悄悄的離開這傷心地。能想象這一幕: 小弟呢?奇怪?!前幾天還看到他在部落格留言的嘛。。鈴鈴!電話沒人聼!死了啦,他還好吧?爲何沒人接?*電話就這樣一直響。。* 該打給小惠嗎?打還是不打?不要啦,等一下她也說我想太多。。我該怎樣?





Anonymous said...

da jie, pat is fine on the ship wor. I did receive his call when he was onboard. And also i did receive his msg just now wor. Guess he is now at KL bah.. Don't worry wor.

evelyn said...

thanks HT! i really got scared after seeing dat msg.. so chk wif john n he said i too paranoid.. hee..

Anonymous said...

da jie, i fail to take care and cheer pat up.Sorry, i fail to be a good gf with him. Please help me take care of him and cheer him up, thats the least i can do le. i was once his gf, so u n john is my da ge and da jie le. But my r/s with him is gone, but i still regard your both as my da ge da jie. Maybe our fate is that short bah. Free can meet up wor. =)

evelyn said...

sure no prob HT.. u hv my word for it.. dat's y i so kan jiong tis mornin when i saw he didn't update anything and then the 'scary' msg..

n i thou john your 'husband' haha..
very confusing lor.. haha..

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