Sunday, 29 March 2009

... 朋友 ...

人長大了,也發現不需要很多朋友。或者說∶ 當我們漸漸長大,朋友也漸漸減少。是個遺憾嗎?還是,一個惡性循環?





Thursday, 26 March 2009

.. cleansers causing cancer?? ...

need i say more?? just hope you're not using one of them.. *crossed finger*

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

... mum & dad will provide ~ by a singaporean girl ...

wow.. reading this old article on sunday times in Oct 2008 do have some impact on me. someone even 'highlighted' those 'key words' in RED!

imagine a student could draw $500 for her monthly pocket money?!?! that is almost the same for us working adults.. maybe more..

i wondered are we living in such luxury society that we forgot to save for that rainy days?? or is it her parents have been poor during their younger days that they do not want their kids to suffer?? or is it they earned too much and had no place to spend, therefore showered their love in monetary terms??

buying branded watches and bags.. it's something that i had never done in my life so far.. my most valuable possessions which i first came out to work was a jean paul (i don't even remember the full spelling of the brand) which cost about $300+.. that was 10 over years ago and the bag had gone to salvation army already.. later, all my watches and bags are all less than $100..

as a student, is it really necessary to have a $500 monthly pocket money?? yes, maybe i'm being sour grape.. the living standards are getting higher each day.. is it necessary??

if that's the case, i do envy those students who are drawing this amount or equivalent.. in fact i do heard similar cases of it.. i'm envious!

Monday, 23 March 2009

... jokes ...

Poor guy *Dirty Jokes*

A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:"

Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you."

To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He wwas whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"

Blonde Joke

Only three doors

An airline captain was breaking in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city. Upon their arrival, the captain showed the stewardess the best place for airline personnel to eat, shop and stay overnight.

The next morning, as the pilot was preparing the crew for the day's route, he noticed the new stewardess was missing. He knew which room she was in at the hotel and called her up wondering what happened. She answered the phone, crying, and said she couldn't get out of her room. "You can't get out of your room?" the captain asked, "Why not?"

The stewardess replied: "There are only three doors in here," she sobbed, "one is the bathroom, one is the closet, and one has a sign on it that says 'Do Not Disturb'!"

Sunday, 22 March 2009

... 真愛,就不要等,除非是不想結婚 ...

Dear Friends, this is a good article, hope you could enjoy it during your busy days.. Appreaciate the life you have now.. 男孩也好女孩也好,一起看看幾米的讀白吧...... (of course not my actual friend)

1.很清楚的知道她不合適自己,可是更確定的是他不會主動說分手。 他只是耗著等著,直到有一天女生自己受不了忽冷忽熱、若即若離的態度,或是等到年華老去不得不下決定時,自己選擇離開。妳的主動離開,我沒有負心,反而是尊重與成全妳的決定。

2. 半年後發現,他居然可以跟一個只認識三個月的女生步入禮堂,令她晴天霹靂,才明白他不是不想結婚,不是真的不婚主義者,說穿了只是他不想跟妳結婚。


3. 這位故事中的男生是我的朋友,現在也已經結婚半年。當他聽到劉若英的「後來」,居然會無法克制的流眼淚,想起的是他交往八年的前任女友。


4. 可是人往往很矛盾,喜歡她的倔強與有性格,卻受不了她的嬌縱。





5. 喜新厭舊是人性,日子久了,會結婚不是為了愛情,而是責任感的驅使。婚後的他才慢慢的發現,當時的那一段感情其實不是不愛,是時間太久了太長了,把愛情給磨掉了,再遇到另一個女孩點燃了愛情的火苗,星星之火足以遼源,把枯竭已久的愛情給予生命,所以倉促的決定結婚。



6. 學生時代的愛情很單純,出社會以後總想等工作穩定以後再結婚,工作穩定以後又想等有一點積蓄買車子、買房子以後再結婚,等著等著,等到愛情被時光給消磨,等到第三者介入點燃了對方心中激情的火苗,乾柴烈火不可收拾以後,曾經在年少一起織夢的理想全都抵擋不了新鮮感的激情,所以琵琶別抱,到最後步入禮堂的都不是在一起同甘共苦、共同經歷過寒、暑假,等當兵的人。

7. 所以奉勸各位女孩子,


現實是,等他有了一切,他的身價暴漲是有價值的單身貴族,他必需要面臨的是更多的誘惑,妳長久以來的等待與年輕時許 下的山盟海誓都難以抵擋誘惑排山倒海的來。






8. 也提醒各位男士,



Saturday, 21 March 2009

... biographies ...

do you love reading biographies of others?? be it famous or not? ok, there won't be any biography if the person is not famous, right?? haha.. :P

it's interesting to know that youtube do have it!! recommended by my 小朋友 a while ago.. what can i say? she do know me well!! i enjoyed it!!

the show is called A&E Biography. airing on America TV daily which feature TV stars, singers, scientists, etc. anything you want to read about. they even won the Emmy awards twice!

the particular section she introduced were...... have you guessed it correctly???

yup, it's about serial killers and psychopaths..

so far the 2 episodes i finished watching happened in USA.. (wondered if HK have any similar show?? hmm... ) both truly shocked me.. how could they killed dozens of people in that kind of frightening manner??

after watching the famous one, Ted Bundy.. youtube even had a video on how he was executed on the electric chair as he had killed more than 30 women, committing about 50 murders!!

i decided to call it a day.. the feeling of 'scared' rises from within.. maybe i'm old for these types of scary stuffs.. just not sure why i couldn't go on watching..

that's why decided to write this entry instead.. haha.. killed my 'scariness' away for the time being.. maybe tomorrow, i'll continue?? haha..

i will not link to this entry as it will be a bit 'gruesome' for some readers.. do a search on youtube if you are interested.. A&E biography is good enough, i guess?? :-)

Friday, 20 March 2009

... 國文老師的告白 ...

我是個國中的 國文老師,生平最痛苦的事情就是改作文!! 字醜就算了,還會自己學倉頡創字!! 創字就算了,還會用自己奇怪的邏輯寫句子!!每次都改到哭笑不得…………







師評:孩子,你已經這麼大了嗎?(凶兆 )


師評:一字之差,養蚵人家翻身矣!我是不是該趕快去養牡蠣?會賺到翻哦… (致癌)





7、四下無人,不要從背後 拍我肩膀,我很容易「受精」

師評:孩子,我可能是你爸哦… 老師記得曾這樣讓很多人「受精」喔!(受驚)













我非常沾沾自喜,相當期待這麼生活化又簡單的題目一定能讓他們發揮的淋漓盡致,可以減輕我每次改作文到快往生的噩運!!!沒想到我錯了!!!!!!! 這些天兵天將們每個都是未來的棟樑????……


1. 我最喜歡吃的食物是生魚片,但是生魚片最讓我困擾的地方就是他的魚刺很多。

2. 我最喜歡吃的食物是生魚片,唯一美中不足的是,他總是沒煮熟。

3. 我最喜歡吃的美食是青菜,青菜中最喜歡吃的美食是白菜,為什麼喜歡吃白 菜呢?因為他是青菜的一種。


4. 我最喜歡吃滷肉飯跟貢丸湯,他們對我來說不只是一種美食,而是……兩種美食。


5. 我最喜歡吃外婆煮的菜,裡面包含了很多愛心,但是萬一外婆死了我就吃不到了,所以我要趁外婆還活著的時候,叫他每天煮三餐給我吃。


6. 我最喜歡吃那種在外面跑的雞肉。


7. 我最喜歡吃美食,是那種出現陸地上,天天都看的到的那種肉。


8. 我對美食的要求很嚴格,他不能是由一位傷心的廚師做出來的。


9. 媽媽很厲害,他下廚以後,可以把一顆蛋變成一顆荷包蛋。


10. 每次媽媽煮完菜我們全家都會歡呼,於是媽媽就走進廚房再做第二道。


11. 我很喜歡跟爸爸去逛夜市,因為美食都能讓我感到垂涎三尺,只要我看到那 些食物出現,就會跟爸爸說我要吃這個我要吃那個結果我當然什麼都沒吃到。


12. 我最喜歡吃媽媽煮的菜,跟外面賣的差的可遠呢!


13. 世界上美食很多,其中我最喜歡吃的外國料理是台南擔仔麵。


14. 生魚片實在是太好吃了,每次一想到我的口水都會緩緩的滴下來…


15. 有一樣食物讓我百吃不厭,那就是雙胞胎,名字聽起來大家一定都會覺得很 奇怪,沒錯,他就是很奇怪。


16. 我吃東西總是又快又急,沒辦法,熟能生巧嘛!


有前輩說:他上輩子殺了人,所以這輩子處罰他當老師。唉... 我想我不只殺了人,還是…………

殺.. 錯.. 人.. 才會淪落到當國文老師…………














5。題目:又 又























老師批語:我死了算了 @@

Thursday, 19 March 2009

... 大家講華語 ...

finally our dear MM, mr. lee bought this up at this year 講華語運動 event.. (



而理由都一致∶ 華文很難。


正如我們的MM 說∶ 多用、多看、多聼、多講就行了。


Wednesday, 18 March 2009

... i'm back ...

i'm back to reality yesterday.. reached home about evening time.. came back with flu though.. ya, didn't take care of myself..

still felt a bit lethargic over the whole event that happened over the weekend..

no internet, no calls.. it's was kind of acceptable to me after all.. so next time, i could go further and longer from my 'break'.. haha..

went for my class at night.. and felt so uncomfortable as i'm having running nose.. haha..

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

... funny signages ...


Saturday, 14 March 2009

.. my grandma ...

received a call from home earlier..

my sis told me that our KL grandma passed away.. i was in shocked after i heard the news.. my mind was spinning with questions.. when i reached home later, found out that she died in her sleep.. it's a blessing when old people died in their sleep.. furthermore she's old already.. 80+ i guess?

ya, i knew it's an part and parcel of life.. at this moment; right here in singapore, i'm still fine.. i can't guarantee what will happen upon reaching at the scene later in KL..

i only knew it's a pity that she couldn't wait to attend any of her 3rd generation grand children's (which include me) weddings anymore.. suddenly my heart felt so painful for her..

had to cancel some appointments due to this sudden news.. sorry daniel!! i'll join you next time.. i can't go IT show too which my cousin, his friend and me actually wanted to purchase something..

lastly, thanks all my friends who had send me your condolences.. appreiate it!! i'll be fine and i'll be back on tuesday..

suddenly, i had no mood in doing anything.. :'(

Friday, 13 March 2009

... for you, my dear friend ...

decided to read a young friend's 'old' blog a while ago.. a blog she used to pen thoughts about her ex-boyfriend and her love story..

was kinda surprised that after so long she still missed him.. haiz, maybe it's her first love.. so she's not able to let it go within a short period of time.. but it's been 6 months already?? does it still considered short??

not sure if she knew about my blog.. but, i still wanna tell her:




關鍵在於∶ 你是否願意給他這個資格?

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

... bad economy crisis ~ real BAD ...

i lost my fighting spirits again.. i need to buck up; buck up!!

things that you think it's alright are not alright anymore.. short little interactions have become like a 'are-you-very-free' behaviour in other people's eyes.. everything that used to be harmless are slowly leading to some new problem..

be it 2 words or 20 words.. words which never seem to harm anything or anybody has quietly becoming a possible threat to yourself..

yup, i felt rotten/rejected/dreadful within minutes when all the above scenarios were thrown to me.. it's slowly eating up my motivation... yup, it's really a wake up call indeed..

also knew about the 3 possible steps that company would do during a bad timing..

first, freeze head count.. not working? next, replacement freeze.. still no progress? lastly, which is also the worst, laid off.. some do it last in; first out or top to bottom down..

after hearing this.. i knew some day, somthing terrible/unfortunate things may happen.. we're into the 5th month of bad news (i.e. no sales)..

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

... stephen covey's 7 habits of effective ah bengs ...

please click on the picture to enlarge it..

Monday, 9 March 2009

... 感性的我 ...


電影是好的、叫座的.. 但每次看完,我就忍不住淚汪汪。。從〈the curious case of benjamin button〉到〈he's just not that into you〉到〈marley and me〉到昨晚剛看的〈departures〉。我的眼淚都不由自主的泛濫成災。

我真的有這麽感性嗎?emo到不行。連我的BFF都說爲何我眼淚那麽多?? 要是淹了整個戲院,我們可沒錢還咯 :D

come to think of it.. hmm.. 真的有一段日子沒為戯傷心流淚了。是壓力、功課、還是你讓我這麽不由自主??都不是啦, 我向來都是個感性的女人。哈哈!

過後我們去了the cheesecake cafe,因爲她每次都沒去成。結果,她幸運了!!! 碰了三次釘子的她終于如願以償。但是,cheesecake cafe 把主菜刪除了。結果我兩只有吃cheesecake 與 cheese fries 當晚餐了。:(

i'm glad my BFF is happy.. tomorrow it's another intensive week for my last term for year 1.. hope it's over soon.. heehee..

p/s: she taught me what is BFF which is aka best friend forever.. LOLz..

Saturday, 7 March 2009

... 報應 ...



結果,她只贏了一半。 根據伊朗的法律,除非她願意支付Euro20,000,不然她的前男友只需瞎一只眼睛。

在伊朗,男女是不平等的。那裏是∶ 一個男人等於兩個女人。所以,她的前男友只被懲罰瞎了一只眼。

看完這則新聞,我不禁想∶ 公平嗎?



Wednesday, 4 March 2009

... my 'ex' classmate ...

first time went to India embassy.. well, need to apply visa for my boss as he's leaving next week..

first, it takes 5 working days to process; next, which unfortunately, the embassy are closed next tuesday and wednesday.. since my boss is leaving tuesday night, so can't make it in time..

no choice, had to go down personally to apply on his behalf (so could get it out faster).. luckily, after some waiting, i managed to get it submitted and collection next monday..

phew!! ealier i was so worried as i just couldn't find the embassy, then after i parked my car at the other street and walking back, i found it.. *angry angry*

and i was in my 3" heels today.. did so much walking that my right toe is in pain again.. :(


after work, met my ex classmate and another classmate after we decided to meet a week ago.. nobody initiated anything, so we sit on it until we finally took action on monday.. haha..

wow, she's (ex) so different now compared to we met last year when our degree starts.. i still remembered she always had her favourite 口頭禪: "i'm so tired today" without failed..

(this of course didn't end here.. took over by another classmate of mine le.. haha..)

anyway we did a lot of catching up today.. always enjoyed chatting with these 2 gals as they are like a 小妹 to me.. both of them 小我一輪咯.. haiz, i'm a old woman liao.. and, they are 1.72m tall?? i feel so small in their eyes.. haha.. one of them still call me 大姐.. kind of missed this 稱呼 for a while.. haha..

anyway, enjoyed their company and look forward to the next one!! we're goin KTV and got to learn that song 我不是偉人 by 陳小春 already (which i had been listening from my post since i started writing) :D

Monday, 2 March 2009

... quote of the day ...

Whatever you gave a woman, she will make it greater.

If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.

If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.

If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.

If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.

She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.

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