Monday, 30 June 2008

... prison and prisoner ...

The bride tells her husband, 'Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?'

'OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the prison' and call my private thing 'the prisoner'. So what we do is: put the prisoner in the prison.

And then they made love for the first time.

Afterwards, the guy is lying face up on the bed, smiling with satisfaction.

Nudging him, his bride giggles, 'Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped.'

Turning on his side, he smiles. 'Then we will have to re-imprison him.'

After the second time they spent, the guy reaches for his cigarettes but the girl, thoroughly enjoying the new experience of making love, gives him a suggestive smile, 'Honey, the prisoner is out again!'

The man rises to the occasion, but with the unsteady legs of a recently born foal.

Afterwards, he lays back on the bed, totally exhausted.

She nudges him and says, 'Honey, the prisoner escaped again.'

Simply turning his head, He YELLS at her, 'Hey, its not a life sentence, OKAY!”

Thursday, 26 June 2008

... 距離 ...







... 我和你 ...

got this from somewhere which i can't remember where.. but it's quite meaningful..

我和你 人海裏 竟相遇

星相印 又患得 又患失

吵了架 更思戀

重盟誓 要忠誠 搭兩船

太可惡 包三奶 不許可

因爲愛 不能分

情再長 竟不比 歲月悠

情變淡 你說過 會愛我

我沒變 你變了

我的愛 你知否 我的痛

你知否 忘記你 不容易

記住你 太難受

不結婚 結婚不 相見好

生活難 到白頭 最動人

只一句 我愛你

Sunday, 22 June 2008

... labour of love ...

For those who are still single may learn something from here. And those already married may take this as a guideline to improve your marriage.


During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question.

She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?" I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?" Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.

Here's the answer.

EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love. With your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience.

You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love... Because it's happening TO YOU. People in love sometimes say, "I was swept off my feet." Think about the imagery of that expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU. Falling in love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience.

But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.

Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, a > friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later.

Because (listen carefully to this):

THE KEY TO SUCCEEDING IN MARRIAGE IS NOT FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON; IT'S LEARNING TO LOVE THE PERSON YOU FOUND. SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the expression "the labor of love." Because it takes time, effort, and energy, And most importantly, it takes WISDOM . You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.

Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage. Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable... you can "make" love work.

Love in marriage is indeed a "decision".. . Not just a feeling.

Friday, 20 June 2008

... 有心無心?...

活了這麽大,我才發覺是否我已經領悟想多、做多、錯多這句話。 很煩也生氣,因爲我好像過界了。 我認爲的關心變成是多管閒事、以為化解了誤會卻被責備是我的表達能力有問題。真的嗎?是我誤解了所有的事情嗎?從來都不覺得我有那種能耐改變也知道有些事情是改變不了的。 但是,我真的無心傷害。聽者有心、說者無意。 所以,不說、不做是最好的方式。

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

... your teeth an your luck ...

The next time you reveal your teeth in a dazzling smile, look at yourself in a mirror. Your teeth should be as well groomed as you are. They should be straight and even and should be neither too big nor too small for your face. The shape and appearance, colour and size of your teeth mirror particular traits that make you different from everyone else. Your teeth offer clues to your personality and attitudes. FSW brings you this quick and easy summary on how you to read someone’s teeth.

Shape & Appearance

1 Convex Teeth

These teeth signify someone talkative and rather noisy. This could also be an aggressive person who will not take NO for an answer. When someone with this kind of teeth approaches you, it is likely you will immediately and subconsciously be alert and watchful. This kind of teeth favours women, as convex teeth on women’s faces are only moderately convex, which signifies a good life and someone who possesses good mentor luck.

2 Concave Teeth

This is just the opposite of convex teeth and is not generally favoured. People with teeth like this should really get them fixed. Some say this indicates the person could inherit a genetic disease.

3 Sharp Teeth

This kind of teeth tends to resemble the teeth of a mouse. They are sharp and efficient. Having this kind of teeth signifies someone very smart, especially in the technical fields of expertise. Someone like this tends to be mathematical and generally have a good start in life, but he/she may face obstacles and challenges later on.

4 Mixed Convex & Concave Teeth

Here the lower part of the teeth is convex, while the upper parts are concave. This is generally described as "upside down teeth". Such teeth signify good eloquence – someone who speaks well and very persuasively. However, this person lacks career luck and could come to a bad end. This person will generally be left alone and at the losing end in any competition or dual. They lack winner’s luck and will always have to make do with coming second best.

5 Uneven Teeth

People who have uneven teeth – some small and some big, some sharp and some blunt – tend to be greedy and grasping – thinking only of him or herself. Such a person can also be something of a bully. His/her thought patterns and actions appear “unsynchronized”. This person can be very hot tempered, as a result of which he/she has troubles in most love relationships. Romantic luck tends to be lacking. Such a person should learn to control his/her emotions to create a better and happier life.

6 More Gum than Teeth

When the gums are very obvious each time a person opens his/her mouth, this suggests someone lacking in relationship luck especially with respect to family. This person is likely to leave the family when young. This does not suggest the person is not nice, only that he/she tends to be closer to friends than to relatives. However, according to physiognomy, someone with uneven oral structure is not to be trusted. One should be careful before trusting such a person.

7 Gang Tooth or Snaggle Tooth

This kind of teeth indicates someone who is proactive at work, always thinking up new ideas and demonstrating plenty of initiative. This person is also passionate and forthright. He/she has a good sense of public relations and will have plenty of social skills. Some however regard someone like this as stubborn, who tends to be argumentative and quarrelsome.

8 Unbalanced Appearance of Face & Teeth

Here the face and teeth seem to be mismatched, particularly when the face seems too small and the teeth seem too big. This is not a good indication as larger than normal teeth signify many obstacles in life. This kind of imbalance is not favoured amongst Chinese Matriarchs looking for potential wives for their sons, as this signifies a woman who will cause problems for the husband.

9 Tiger Teeth

People with this kind of teeth have different luck depending on their gender. It is unfavourable for males, as guys with this kind of teeth tend to have bad family luck. His relationship with his parents and wife are usually not good. In women, however, this teeth structure brings good relationship and wealth luck. People with this kind of teeth tend to be straightforward. This however could upset others, especially those with their own agendas.

10 Very Tiny and Neat Teeth

A person with small teeth tends to be a very stingy person. To this person, money is everything and they are easily motivated by the promise of a cash reward. Such people are also prone to jealousy and do not trust people easily. When there is a gap in the front teeth, it also indicates an inability to save money.

11 Neat but Uneven Teeth Structure

Here the teeth are either one big or one small; one front, or one back, either too long, or too short. It looks neat but the structure is badly formed. From young, this person should get dental braces to even out the imbalances. Teeth like these suggest someone who likes to tease or fool around, believing this makes people happy. Alas, most times, his/her efforts at tomfoolery just causes a great deal of annoyance. When the front teeth is upside down or uneven, it signifies a bad relationship with parents. Even when this person stays with the parents, the relationship is bad.


The perfect colour of teeth is not pure white but a milky colour. People with milky looking teeth are high-minded, humble and kind. When the teeth are also tidy and seem to be in good balance with the rest of the face, it signifies someone optimistic and passionate who will enjoy a good life.

Someone with super white teeth is someone who likes to fool around, is flirtatious and skittish, and in matters of the heart, not to be trusted. Such a person will not think twice about being unfaithful or betraying a loved one. Not good spouse material at all!

When teeth tend to be yellowish it suggests someone with a mild nature, who is patient and calm, and rarely hot tempered. Yellow teeth also suggests a healthy and long life.

When the white teeth are dry as well, it indicates a violent person who has a very hot temper. When teeth are dry and yellowish, it is not a good sign as this indicates plenty of obstacles and continuous bad luck. In this case, better to get your teeth fixed!

When the teeth is yellowish and seems moist as well, it signifies someone who tends to be psychically weak. This person tends to be petite and fragile looking, but this hides a very strong and tough person. Such people are very lucky in terms of being successful in endeavours.

Teeth that tend to look stained, brownish or blackish indicates a person to avoid. This person obviously does not look after his/her teeth. The energy surrounding such a person is negative and nasty.


The size of teeth in relation to the face also offers clues to a person’s success potential. People who have big teeth that are also regular in shape have what are known as “dragon teeth”. This signifies someone powerful who has excellent career and wealth luck. Such a person will become respected and well known as an honourable person during middle age, and is slated for a good life with a good ending.

When the front teeth appear big, it suggests an active person, someone with high sex drive who gets passionate about the things and causes. Such a person is reliable and trustworthy.

When teeth are neat but small and appear to have deep roots, this is known as “ox teeth”. People with such teeth enjoy good fortune all through life. They live long and enjoy wealth and riches. When the roots do not seem deep, then small neat teeth symbolizes someone with an impulsive nature who is likely to make mistakes.

When the face is presentable with a good mouth shape, but the teeth are uneven, the person tends to be fussy and overly critical of others. Such a person is a mischief maker although there is rarely any intention to give harm or cause pain.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

... 是你是你是你 ...

你對我的好能持續多久?這幾天得謝謝你好聲好氣的跟我説話... 但是,每次你的好,不久后就會換來爭執。你的好讓我有種恐懼感;腐蝕着我。





Friday, 13 June 2008

... what's love? ...

hmmmm..... and so Yue Lao says...

A man was having a conversation with 'Yue Lao' the Deity of Marriage in the middle of the night. Yue Lao was sitting down while the man was standing.

Man: O Lord, I have a girlfriend of five years, but now I have fallen madly in love with a new lady. I really don't know what to do.

Yue Lao: Are you sure that the lady you're now madly in love with is the one you love most, and will be the very last woman in your life?

Man: Yes.

Yue Lao: Then initiate a break up so you can be with the new lady!

Man: But my current girlfriend is gentle, kind, virtuous. If I initiate a break up, wouldn't it be quite cruel and unethical?

Yue Lao: In marriage and love, it will only be cruel and unethical if there is no love. You're now in love with another lady and no longer your girlfriend, and a break up is the right thing to do.

Man: But my girlfriend loves me very much, she really loves me very much.

Yue Lao: Then she is fortunate.

Man: I'm going to leave her for another woman, and this should cause her to be in misery. How can she be fortunate?

Yue Lao: Because she still possesses the love she has for you, whereas you have lost the love you have for her, because you have fallen for someone new. Accurately speaking, it is a blessing to possess and a misfortune to lose possession, therefore the one in misery is you.

Man: But I'm leaving her for another woman, she should be the one who has lost me and thus feel miserable.

Yue Lao: You're wrong. You're only an entity in her love life. When you, the entity, no longer exists, her true love will continue on to another entity. Because in her love life, she has never lost true love, therefore she is the one who should be blessed and you the one in pain.

Man: She said she would love only me all her life and not a second man.

Yue Lao: Have you not said something similar before?

Man: I... I... I... Yue Lao: Look at the three candles in the urn before you, the one that shines most brightly.

Man: I don't know, they're all equally bright.

Yue Lao: These three candles can be likened to three women. One of them is the woman you have fallen for. There are so many humans in existence, and there are more than hundreds of thousands of women. You can't even tell which is the brightest or point out which is the woman you love now, yet why are you so sure the one you love now is that woman, and even more so, how can you be so sure she will be the last woman in your life?

Man: I... I... I...

Yue Lao: Now put one candle close to you, and look closely which of the three candles are the brightest.

Man: Of course it's the one right in front of me. Yue Lao: Now put it back to where it was, and then look again and tell me which is the brightest.

Man: I really cannot tell which is the brighest.

Yue Lao: Actually, the candle you brought before you is like the woman whom you have fallen for. Love stems from the heart. While you love her, you feel that she is the brightest candle. When you put the candle back to where it was, once again you could not tell which was the brightest candle. This type of love is only a kind of greed that blinds you and looks beautiful and perfect on the surface, but in the end it's only an empty dream.

Man: Oh! Now I know. You didn't really want me to leave my girlfriend, you merely wanted to enlighten me.

Yue Lao: I won't tell you if you've seen through me. Now, go.

Man: Now I really know who I love - she is my girlfriend.

Yue Lao: May Heavenly Blessings be with you. When one is alive, one can hardly avoid love. May all lovers in the world cherish the one beside them, steer clear of greed and illusions and create happiness with their special one.

Monday, 9 June 2008

... sorry seems to be the hardest word?? …

Last night, it's my best friend's birthday… however, I think it is the worst birthday she ever had… when she called me on the phone, I knew.. she and her husband had an argument again.. yes, again.. I thought after the last argument they had, things are better… but, it is not.. same thing is happening again.. is it really due to the fact that men and women handle certain issues differently??

This time it made her so disappointed that she was crying over the phone as it's her birthday and yet her husband just don't bothered about her… she knew I had kept a diary all the while and mentioned that I should checked when was the first time she said she's giving up on her marriage..

After she hung up, that same fear crawls up to me again.. I have also admitted to her that this fear was in me soon after their first quarrel after their marriage… although divorce seems to be the easy way out on certain issues, but that's the last thing I want from both of them…

This, made me realized that saying sorry is so much more difficult than l love you.. Agree? or it just occur on men that I knew?? Few of them that I knew (my ex is one of them) had never said that word… he told me "sorry is not in my dictionary" ok fine… then I live and kept silence after each arguments we had…

After that I concluded; if a guy ever said sorry, it's because it's some grave mistake they did… for minor stuffs (like insisting I'm wrong when I'm not, never listen to what I said), they would thought action speaks louder.. hello!! it doesn't applies every time ok?? or worse, they just brush away the whole issue altogether..

To the guys out there ~ Yes, after each arguments or quarrels we had, certain points will be made clear to me, and I got it… but shouldn't you at least just apologize for all that hurling and shouting at me?? is it too much to ask for?? (though I knew if I were to start complaining about this, another argument would surface again… so I rather pen down my thoughts.. of course, I don't expect anything in return from this entry.. don't mistook me, guys! ~ or you guys would protest at this point but at least this is at least what I had observe)

A while ago, I posted a entry about argument, and it seems like couples will not talk about it after they've cooled down… only thing they did was, avoid... and then another argument surfaces, some of the issues could boil down to the same point in an earlier argument..

Is it us, human beings care too much about our face?? or we just refuse to talk about it as we think it is over and everyone had cooled down..

Maybe problems solved maybe not.. what's your say??

Monday, 2 June 2008

... 三心二意 ...







好啊!那就這樣吧 ~ 做機器人就行了。

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