Friday, 28 July 2006

... about me ...

Found this from some are quite interesting.. all about your chinese fate,etc. try it out!










◎簡易愛情分析,您會有一個條件好的先生。您的愛情稱得上是兩情相悅,而且他不是大男人主義者,凡事都很尊重您。您們的交往,不僅有愛情美好的一面,也兼顧到愛情現實的問題。◎ 您愛情的模式,根據命理分析,您對於心儀的異性,很容易心動,但對方常常沒有行動,您也不好意思倒過來追求,所以常常無疾而終。一般來說,異性對您的第一印象都不會太深,您是需要經過交往的階段,異性才會發現您的氣質,優點與內在美。換句話說,您很容易第一眼就喜歡上一個人,如果您剛開始不喜歡這個人,經過長時間相處也不會喜歡上他。相反地,您的戀愛對象不容易第一眼就喜歡上您,卻很可能經過長時間相處而喜歡上您。因此,如果您在等待美好的愛情,您可以試著把自己的內在美透過各種方式表現出來,多參加各種活動,多培養各種興趣,多接觸不同人群,如此您會在不知不覺中,讓您的內在美隨時展現,愛情才會更順利。




Thursday, 27 July 2006

... moments in life ...

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much

that you just want to pick them from your dreams

and hug them for real!

When the door of happiness closes, another opens;

but often times we look so long at the closed door

that we don't see the one, which has been opened for us.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive.

Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.

Go for someone who makes you smile,because it takes only a smile to

make a dark day seem bright.Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Dream what you want to dream;

go where you want to go;

be what you want to be,

becuase you have only one life

and one chance to do all the things

you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,

enough trials to make you strong,

enough sorrow to keep you human

and enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily

have the best of everything;

they just make the most of

everything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always

be based on a forgotten past;

you can't go forward in life until

you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying

and everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so at the end,

you're the one who is smiling and everyone

around you is crying.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take;

but by the moments that take our breath away!

Wednesday, 26 July 2006

... 我的外婆 ...


她与病魔搏斗了两年多,她终于在今天凌晨12 点多与世长辞了。一向来都不喜欢在半夜听到电话响,因为接到坏消息的可能性很高。老妈跟我说时,预料中还以为她会崩溃但意外,她还蛮镇定的。

可能对大家来说是种解脱吧!怎么说外婆也84 岁了,对我来说算是很长命了。而听说老人家超过70岁去世是当红事来处理的。因为要算好日子,所以可能要等上一段日子才能有家祭。希望到时候我的眼泪可以受到控制。。虽然知道这是无所谓的。。


Tuesday, 18 July 2006

... working with idiots can kill you! ...

Received this attachment email from one of my friend. (Due to the large file, and the difficulty to read clearly, i shall be kind to type it out.. :-) )

IDIOTS in the office are just as hazardous to your health as cigarettes, caffeine or greasy food, an eye-opening new study reveals.

In fact, those dopes can kill you! Stress is one of the top causes of heart attacks - and working with stupid people on a daily basis is one of the deadliest forms of stress, according to reseatchers at Sweden's Lindbergh University Medical Centre.

The author of the study, Dr Dagmar Andersson, says her team studied 500 heart attack patients, and were puzzled to find 62% had relatively few of the physical risk factors commonly blamed for heart attacks.

"Then we questioned them about lifestyle habits, and almost all of these low-risk patients told us they worked with people so stupid they can barely find their way from the parking lot to their office. And their heart attack came less than 12 hours after having a major confrontation with one of these oafs.

"One woman had to be rushed to the hospital after her assistant shredded important company tax documents instead of copying them. A man told us he collapsed right at his desk because the woman at the next cubicle kept asking him for correction fluid - for her computer monitor.

"You can cut back on smoking or improve your diet," Dr. Andersson says,"but most people have very poor coping skills when it comes to stupidity - they feel there's nothing they can do about it, so they just internalise their frustration until they finally explode."

Stupid co-workers can also double or triple someone's work load, she explains, "Many of our subjects feel sorry for the drooling idiots they work with, so they try to cover for them by fixing their mistakes. One poor woman spent a week rebuilding clients records because a clerk put them all in the 'recycle bin' of her computer and then emptied it - she thought it meant the records would be recycled and used again."

It's kind of depressing and helpless hearing these smart people who need to face those 'stupid people' everyday. However, if you are the 2nd category, how would you feel when people are calling you STUPID??

Friday, 14 July 2006

... making more money??

A friend just introduce a new way of making more money.. kind of interesting as it is a program which tailors to your interest and refers friends to join by just reading emails. Sound interesting? Go to the below url for more information:

Thursday, 13 July 2006

... the world is changing ~ technologies changes too! ...

Got this picture from my friend today. Ponders me further..

Somehow, has this feeling that this world is changing slowly -towards a 'small small' world.. the clothes we wear are getting smaller or lesser (as an example above), things we use are getting smaller and smaller (like our handphones).

Are our hearts, soul and mind going into this direction too?

Is it the technologies' fault or should we blamed ourselves, the human brain for being so advanced? The abilities to developed all kinds of gadgets that makes our lives easier and better to live in.

Things changed for a reason and so is our world. As we moved towards a more ever changing world, it makes people more vunlerable to diseases, air we breathe or even relationships!

In the olden times, relationships stays.. people have jobs that could last till they retires. Air were more cleaner and fresher (at least no such thing as SARS)

So, given a choice, would you choose to live in the modern day or the olden times?

Monday, 10 July 2006

... the complete murphy's law ...

Some of the entries I read in a book about Murphy's Law.. quite interesting.. so to share with all of my friends:

Frank's Phone Phenomena: If you have a pen, there's no paper. If you have paper, there's no pen. If you have both, there's no message.

Things that can be counted on in a crisis: MARKETING says yes. FINANCE says no. LEGAL has to review it. PERSONNEL is concerned. PLANNING is frantic. ENGINEERING is above it all. MANUFACTURING wants more floor space. TOP MANAGEMENT wants someone responsible.

Jacob's Law: To err is human - to blame it on someone else is even more human.

Sunday, 9 July 2006

... family ties ...

Soon, my brother will be leaving for Australia (Brisbane) to study his degree. So coincidently, he and my two sisters are studying in the same university..

Plus him in, my whole family has 4 graduates man! wowo.. hehe.. which excludes my dad.. for my family, i guess it's kind of big in today's mordern world as total there are 7 of us! big family huh??

With him in Brisbane and my youngest sis in US, that's left 5 of us here.. guess it will be another 3yrs time before 7 of us could sit down and have a proper reunion dinner.. *sob sob* Since young, we have been having reunion dinner without failed. It seems like this tradition has not been broken since.

However, i noticed that some family today are not doing it anymore. To me, it's kind of sad; as everyone is busy working or has their own lives, so during CNY, it's the best time to get together. If the family is not having dinner together, i seriously wonder how often does one family communicates?

Of course, with mobile phones or computer around, it's possible to be communicating anytime, anywhere. It might create another excuse for not having dinner together everyday, but i always feel nothing beats the face-to-face, heart-to-heart talk right?

Saturday, 8 July 2006

... 走走走 ...

昨晚我和我的好朋友做了一件不可思议的事情。我们从Raffles City 走回家, 全程总共花了两个半小时!她比较好点,两个小时。好久好久没这样走了!

曾经做了两次这么疯狂的事,第一次是以前新加坡还有Swing Singapore 的时候,曾经三五成群从 Wisma Atria走回家。第二次是和前前男友从Centrepoint 走到East Coast Park。



... 我说婚姻 ...

世界上到底还有没有天长地久这东西? 不久前刚听说我的前老板和前同事闹离婚。觉得很惊讶因为他们是我印象中的模范夫妻。从来没有可能会发生婚变的。一把年纪了,还需要搞到这地步还真的有点无奈吧!




Saturday, 1 July 2006

... in the bus ...

It seems like it's a common sight in Singapore. Whenever I take a crowded bus, there bound to be people who just refused to move towards the end.. what's happening? Is there some kind of tiger or lions at the back?

What's wrong with moving to the back.. i always noticed that the back of the bus would be empty and front crowded.. people here just simply don't like to moved their legs.. so sad to see this happening..

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